Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Challenge

So, I was challenged a while ago by someone that I never would have thought to challenge me. By challenged I don't mean some crazy dual though that would be extremely nifty! But no not a challenge at all. This person challenged my thoughts and beliefs. Which I love. Not everyday some makes you stop and think about things. Well, besides Charles. Charles is a belief and character builder all in one. That is the same with the challenge I got. Though the challenge came a while ago almost a month now. It has been the thought at the back of my head since. With the ever so long trips to and from work I've done a lot of thinking on this.

The challege is one to do with the past. Things that have been done in the past can we do good things now to make up for the past. Will what we do now have any effect on the past what so ever. His thought was that he was doing things now because of his past to make good on all the things that he didn't do good in his past. To me when I first heard this thought that this is a crazy idea where would someone think up this sort of thing. After think about this for a while the concept makes a little more sense. I can now understand better the idea behind it. Though me being who I am and I little bit more of a determinist then indeterminist. I think that God of course has some thing to do with our past whether we had times in which we don't want God to be there (Jen's Lush days...ask if you really want to know). Cause God is there no matter what. To me the path of my past that got me here right now is one that I know that I wouldn't want to change. IF the broken path filled with mistakes, wrong turns and trips into the wilderness is the way that I was suppose to get here then that is fine with me. God knows best and I wouldn't want to do any good to change the past. Cause the past has made who I am now and wear I am. I can do good BECAUSE of my past but not to cover it over or make up for it. Those choices are ones that I made and I am going to be proud of them!

Now to be corny and quote a country song.....

"God Bless the broken road that lead me straight to you!"

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


So, It's now the middleish of May and I can truely say that I am feeling great about life. I've just gotten a new job which I'm super excited about starting at. I am though sad about leaving my old job. It's with a great group of Women who have effected me in many ways. We have all been through a lot together and I will miss them all. But I look forword to the new challenge and experience. I wish there was a super easy way of explaininig it but there isn't so bear with me...

I'm working for a company that is contracted by an airline to run there exectutive class departure lounge at the airport. That's the easy part. It's a free lounge as long as you are a member of the exectutive class. My job is to prepare light snacks and bus tables and make sure that the passangers are happy. As my boss said "It's all done for the free sponsoured publicity that all the other companies get for being avalible in the lounge."

So, the fun with the new job comes with all the security...Yup the joy of working at the airport. There is alot of paper work to fill in. Since I will need to pass through security to get to work for the next 3 months at least with my temp. ID I get to get searched. Oh, isn't this going to be a blast!

After months of having an insanely crazy crush on one guy. I have moved on! I am free as a bird and I don't plan on getting any other crazy crushs anytime soon. Espeacially ones as complicated as the last one. Yes, there might be someone that I might have a crush on but I'm not putting any pressure on myself or this crush that I have. What maybe will be! I'm alright with that cause really I've put it into God's hands about a year ago and I ain't taking it back anytimes soon. I know that it is one thing that I have been know to obsess about. For me to give it up to God took courage and now patients. In which I feel as though I need help in having most of the time. I know that God has given me the plan for my life and I know that He will give me someone to share it with. In His time not mine.

I'm footloose and fancy free and I'm loving it!