Sunday, September 30, 2007

Real humanity?

Been finding myself watching The Hour on CBC lately. Maybe it is because the news is so hard to watch lately. Or maybe it is because of George. But awhile ago he had a man on that hosts this blog. Ever since I found it I have been checking on a regular basis. Reminds me of the reality of humanity.

So check it out!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Where's my umbrella???

I would in no way state that my life is either supremely eventful or exciting. I know that like most I have moments. But all in all I feel that I have been blessed with a typical middle class life. I am in no way saddened that this is so. I rather relish in the predictability of it. The greatest joy comes from the aspects of same and ordinary aspects of the daily tasks. Where is this going you ask?

I am not one for drama in my life. I do not have all the wild antics of The Real World in my life. That being said I feel as though a storm is brewing on the horizon. I see it coming and I know that I can't get out of the way. I am not sure if there is a big enough Umbrella in all of Rihanna's songs is going to keep me dry. I am not sure how it is all going to end. I pray that it ends well and that I end up dry somehow by the grace of God.

I ask for prayer.