Sunday, July 23, 2006


So, as I sit here alone in my house. The thought of family has been one that is on my mind lately and now more then ever. To me Family means the world. It doesn't matter if it is actual relatives or those in your chosen family. Family is family!
But really what makes people family....

My understanding and experience of family is completely different then the next person. I have formed a community around me that makes me ever so protected or so I feel this way. Is this what family is? Is family something that you form though out you lifetime with those whom you love and cherish? And what if you have family that you can't stand to be with? Those members in your family that negatively impact you life. Are they still your family even though you have removed yourself from there presents in your life? You should still love that person with the same love as always. Family is family and love is love.

Family is matter what they are family. No matter what all those out there that are in my aren't getting away from me easily. Earch and everyone of you are speacial and are an important part of who I am. So, it's going to be pretty hard to get rid of me! So, I love you all!