Sunday, November 12, 2006


Yes, it is overly thinking analyzing Jen for a moment....just enjoy and read/listen cause then I will know that someone cares.

So, I was watching Ed tonight. One of my all time favorite shows. The hopeless romantic that I am. It was the episode where Carol is going to marry Denise. Well, there is a line where Carol is sitting in the church debating in her head about getting married and her best friend, Molly come in. Carol asks her if she thought that she was making a mistake marring Denise. Molly replies "I can't answer you that cause no matter what the answer is you are going to look and think of the answer." Which in it's self gives away what her answer to the question is.

So, why these such ramblings. I feel the same way as Molly. I know that no matter the answer I give. It will be remembered and brought back up again. I just don't know what to say to some people that want the honest answer from you. So, my yearish long mantra has been "Happy and Supportive." I have been this way for all my friends no matter what there problem or decision is. I feel that it is not my place to give an answer that might be remembered down the road. I know that too some it might seem the easy ways. But it's the safe way!

I know that this makes little sense to all those who read my meanderings. But thanks for reading/listening!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

"Happy and Supportive [where appropriate]" would be my mantra. When it comes to romance, my friends know where I (oh-so-cynically) stand. Heck, my toast at a wedding in May revolved around my skepticism about relationships. I couldn't think of anything better to say than that God had explicitely showed me that this relationship was not to be questioned in my usual manner, it was His.

Other than that, I am well known for being the squeaky wheel who won't simply sit by and smile while a friend does something stupid. We're the ones without the rose colored glasses, if a friend doesn't speak up and tell the truth, one might never know.