Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Over is just not so over yet....

So, I was reminded the other day to not count the year over or at least post a blog commenting on the events of the year till it is truly over. I guess since I was finishing up exams and there for finishing up school for the year. Since I am not going back to school in January but instead taking a needed break to make money so that I can finish my education. So, to me at the time made me think that the year was ending. This though was not the case!

Some of those great God surprises just don't end. Some how I think it was even God's way of saying don't count your chickens before they hatch or so the saying goes. For me it was more don't count that all the events of the year are over. God's next surprise was just around the corner.

So, for all those who don't know I have a great group of school friends and the large majority of them right now are guys. I have always been one to have more friends that are guys then girls. They just are easier to hang around sometimes then girls. Well, two days before Christmas I started to date one of these guys. It just happened. Not like it was planed or everyone figured it was going to happen. Cause it was a surprise to everyone. Not only the two of us. He treats me like a princess. Which all girls should be treated like that on a regular basis. With each new day of this budding relationship, I find out new surprises. New things are learned and new experiences are had.

What I have learned is that sometimes God leaves the best surprises for the very end! :D

So when you are waiting for that clock to strike midnight don't rush it you never know what will happen in the seconds even milliseconds leading up to the end of the year. Just let time and God do there thing!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

End of the Year Thoughts

wow 2006 eh?
Looking over this past year I realize that God had a whole lot of surprises that I did not expect. I did a heck of a lot.

- Lived in a tent for 10 days in Ont

- Visited Winnipeg (only the territories and NFLD left!)

- Almost got left behind in Moosejaw

- Had a great summer romance and was in love

- Saw 2 wonderful friends start a new journey

- Found out that I am going to be an aunt again!

- Saw Phantom of the Opera

- Met some great new people

- Got to know some friends way better

- Watched my first movie in a park

- Worked at the Airport

- Met Kipper (yes the goalie)

- Realized how great my friends really are

- Got a new bestfriend...and it's a boy.

- Learned more about myself

- Made some hard decisions

That's only a few things that come to mind. I know that there are tons more cause it has been a full year. If anyone asked me what 2006 had instore for me. I would have never thought that half of the stuff would have. I have to again say that I have some amazing friends that have gotten me through a lot this past year and I know that you still are. Cause my life is anyting but easy right now. But in the new year new things right!

All I can say is that if this is what 2007 is going to be like sign me up! I am excited for the new chapter. I feel like it is going to be a growing one again with lots of those God Surprises.

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Snow is Falling!

My favorite holiday website! Now it is doing good! Take a break make a snowflake!


(I love receiving them aswell as sending them. vietnamron@hotmail.com) If you send me one I will send you one in return!