Saturday, August 25, 2007

What I have your learned this summer?

I have learned so much this summer. It has almost been better then any course in school (of course not including a Charles course). It is being at the time and place in your life in which you are no longer going to be young for the rest of your life. As my mom has said " I have seen you really grow up this summer." That I have!

Things that I learned this summer...

1. Never work for someone that you don't have complete confidence in.

2. Love is not where it is not where it begins either....

3. The best jokes ever!

4. That the perfect husband to a seven year old has to be nice and cute.

5. Some kids life stories would fill more pages then mine and that's before they turn fourteen.

6. The best laid plans of mice and men...never go as planned.

7. Some friends you just seem to grow out of.

8. It's good to have a quite home

9. The best times are the unexpected ones!

10. Minor high jinx is just a plain good time!

Becoming a responsible adult is something that most people do sometime in there life and I just am finding that I have become one sooner then most of my friends!

1 comment:

Faye said...

Ah, Jenny, my hard-working, summer-loving friend. When is camp done this summer? I am house-sitting until the 2nd of September and I bought a cute new tea set so we should try having a small tea party before the start of school madness. What days do you have open?