Sunday, October 11, 2009

So Close....

Just been watching a whole lot of Fairy Tales lately!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just me and some mood songs!

It's just a beautiful song! that I have recently fell in love with! It's got to be my present mood....
It is in contrast to the other song that I have on repeat right now....

I love this song to death!! She has a new one that is just as good! but again fits my mood lately!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I know it has been forever since I have wrote anything. I had 2 weeks holidays as you all know. I went to Disney World. I have come back with a bunch of things to blog about.

I love Disney. I truly do. I will travel half way around the world and go to a Disney theme park cause I can and I am there. I have. This though was my first trip to Disney World and it is not my last. Everything is just so perfect when you are in the presents of Disney. From the moment we arrived at the Airport till the time we Departed from the Airport everything was Disneyfide. My new coined word. Some Disney folks might call it know the magic of Disney and all. Disneyfide is a state in which is so easy for everything. So unbelievably perfect. So, after the long wait at the Toronto Airport...Aircraft Servicing canceled or flight. We arrived in Orlando to get our luggage and proceed to The Magic Express to our Disney Resort. The Pop Century Resort is the one that we where staying at. After arriving and checking in and getting our Magic Cards (Keys to the kingdom is more like it.Room key, park passes, meal card all in one. You can even add a credit card that can be charged on that card.) We arrived in our hotel room and died!

The next morning we rose went for breakfast where we purchased our travel mugs (such the best deal) and headed on the Walt Disney World Transportation System to Hollywood Studio's. The first of all of the 3 out of 4 Disney World parks that we visited. It is your typical Studio experience. Our first order of business was to get our Fast Pass(another advantage to the magic cards) for the best ride in the park (if you ask my Aunt.) Toy Story Midway Madness. It was a great first park to visit. We had a lovely dinner at the 50's dinner a must for anyone. Get the Fried Chicken! Though for us Canadians 4 pieces of Chicken is a bit much. The service is like eating at home. It truly is. The artist in me said my favorite part was the drawing class in the animation studio. I learned how to draw Goofy.

The next fun filled day we were awakened to beautiful sunny weather. Day two was Epcot. A day filled with how many different countries we can see in one day. We even got to visit our home land! We did go on my new favorite ride, Soarin'. It is a a video ride that makes you feel like you are flying. I loved it! I want to go back just to ride that one! Mission space was another great one. Nothing like feeling like you are flying in space. Then there was the test track. Again a great ride and love the feeling of the wind in my hair. We went for lunch and got fish and chips. They were lovely. Ate lunch with a lovely American couple.

The Canada pavilion.... Is lovely, the 360 movie was great it shows the beauty of our country well. I could even see my house in a couple shots. It is a good! I am proud of almost all of it. The only question I have....When was the last time you wore red and black plaid flannel shirts with brown heavy canvass skirts and lumberjack boots?
I know that I for sure did not bring them with me on this trip! We had Calpis at the Japan pavilion! My aunt loved it! We had dinner at the German Restaurant where they pronounced my last name right!!! With there cute little German accents!

Day three was again a lovely Florida day. It was Magic Kingdom day! Wahoo! oh, yeah also my Birthday! Wahoo! I have one thing to say. A Birthday at Disney is going to be the hardest thing to top! You get to wear a button and everyone wishes you happy birthday. You feel more birthday like then just at home! plus getting money to spend helps as well! After riding Pirates of the Caribbean 3 times the haunted mansion 3 times and Peter Pan twice and yes even It's a Small World. We watched the Celebration Parade. With the song that we learned to love to hate. Now as I type I have it going through my head. grrrr.... We went for my Birthday supper at Tony's Town square restaurant. In which I had Shrimp Scampi. (which I found out that my Birthday is shrimp scampi day after my birthday.) We watched the fire works and headed home.

The forth day we woke to another sunny day and headed again to Magic Kingdom. This time to do the other side of the park, tomorrowland and Mickey's Toon Town Fair. We learned that it is a good thing that my Aunt is not a driver as we did Tomorrowland speedway. I was saddened to learn that my favorite Disney ride was closed. (Space Mountian by the way) We went back to ride our favorites from the day before. We covered all that we could. I even got to ride splash mountain and get soaking wet.
Dinner this night was at The Liberty Tree Tavern. DayThis was again a great meal. Not like we had a bad meal in Disney. It was good to have the dinning package that you handed them your magic card and the bill went to all zero's was neat. The meal here as family style serve yourself and it was delicious. Ham, turkey and beef with potatoes, green beans, buns with honey butter, salad and apple crumble for dessert. It was awesome!

Day five was the slowest and laid back. We were tired after going for the first 4 days from dawn to past dusk. We went shopping at downtown Disney and had lunch at an Irish pub. It was a good time. We then just relaxed and watched the story of the Swine flu unfold on CNN. It was a good relaxing day.

Day Six was home day. We where up early getting on the magic express back to the airport in which we waited to check into our flight and got on no problems. We returned home truly exhausted and just couldn't believe how easy the trip really was.

I can't tell anyone enough how much I enjoyed my Disney World experience. I will go back. I am actually counting down the days till I can go again. I am willing to take anyone that wants to go with me. To truly understand the idea of Disneyfide you need to experience it for yourself. So if anyone is up to go....I will be there....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Distance.....

One of my all time favorite songs....

you are coming back.....

Thursday, April 02, 2009

One Moment More - Mandy Smith

I am just in love with this song! Maybe it is because I am loosing my bestfriend to another year in Korea. Just makes me a little sad.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dawson's Music

Well, As some of you out there know that I have alittle bit of a love for the show Dawson's Creek. Okay, it is a big love. It was my first tv show that I love. Some might say it was my first love ever. I loved the teenage soap and drama of it all. It was a sad day when Dawson's Creek had there very last show. Since the show has ended I have collected all the seasons of the show and watch them probibly more then I should. But I continue to watch over and over and over again. Yes like anything I have my favorite episodes and characters. (Team Joey and Pacey all the way.) It was one of the first big shows that used music in a way that effected me. Much of the music formed and shaped some of the memories that I had of the time in my life. The music on the seansons on DVD when I finally finished collecting them all is different then what they used on the show. Due to getting permission to use the songs on the show and then on the DVD. Some songs are ones that they wanted to use on the show and couldn't or that they can't use on the DVD for other reasons.Which I was sad and not so sad about. It has given me new meaning to moments in the show that had a different song in placed of the more familiar. It gave me as deeper thoughts about some moments. One of the songs it called "if you came back to me" by Tommy Holmes. The lyrics and melody and his voice I just love.

If You Came Back to Me

if you came back to me right now
i'd have i million things to say to you if you came back to me right now
i'd probably forget than all
if you came back to me
i'd have you looking inside this hole me
if you came back to me right now
if you came back to me
do you feel anything
anything at all
do you think it's worth the pain..
worth the pain
if you came back to me right now
i'd say the world to turned out right
and if you came back to me right now
i'd say i'm doing fine
if you came back to me
i'd have to close my eyes and open them again
if you came back to me right now

if you cam back to me
do you feel anything at all

do you think it's worth the pain
worth the pain
do you feel anything at all
do you feel anything
i give my body yeah
i give my body and soul
i don't want you to be my girl

i don't want you to be my girl

I can't find a video for it. I can't even find it to download at all. I am going to put up the link to his myspace page so you too can hear it.

Tommy Holmes Myspace

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 03, 2009 or dead...we want it back!

I have been obsessing over the Twilight series the last week and a half. Almost 2 weeks now. Yes, I have become one of them. Just like a Jr High girl, I know. But they are good. They are not just some vampire books. They are a great love story and I could read it over and over again. I was thinking about the story as I explain it to others all the time when I am telling them about the book. As I have explain many times that the story could be told with something other then vampires. As far as anything it is a different view and statement of Romeo and Juliet. All you need to know it the characters are different and that they want to be together anyways. They fight to be together. This is not a new concept at all. It is a very old one. But, such a tried and true formula. We always cheer for the under dog.

Since like every other girl on the planet that has read the Twilight series, I have fallen in love with the Character of Edward. He is every girls perfect man(/boy?). For me I have always been in love with the little things. Yes, they are my favorite. It is not the big grand gestures that get me all excited about some one. It is the little things. That is what I love about Edward. Every girl has fallen in love with a character so much because he has the traits that we are missing in the world when we look at men today. This generation, mine and the next and even the next are missing the key piece of training or knowledge that has not been passed down. The idea of gentlemanly manners. Chivalry.

Girls want someone to hold the door for them. They want someone to open there car door for them. They want to be made to feel special. They want not to worry about picking up the cheque. They want to be taken care of. That is why we love Edward so much. He is that guy. He does hold the door open for them. He dose open the car door for you. He makes you feel special. He protects and takes care of you. That is what I want. That is what most girls want.

So if there is any guys out there that are questioning what we girls want. Wondering if what they are doing is not working. Work on the classics. Know the right moves. That is the way to any girls heart! Well at leat mine!

Friday, February 20, 2009

What's in a name....a rose by any other name would be as sweet....

For those of you that do not know or who don't remember what I do. I work in the call center. I do enjoy my job. I has though let me come to realize that there are some names of childern out there in the world that I wonder why you would want to name your child. I have this list that I have started at work. Some yes I know that they are cultural. But even still I ask even beg parents to realize what you are doing to your children. As people add to what names they feel to be new and different. I am finding that one day all the traditional names will again become new and different as the ones that seem very different right now. Naming you child something different is not going to make them more unique. The way that people are naming there children now. The more unique the name is the more the same it will be for everyone else. I feel as though we are reaching back yes to the 60's and 70's with the moonbeam and starlight names. But in some ways they seem more ridiculus. So, after the ramblings that I have just done I give you the short list of names that I will never name my child.

19. Edwina
18. Tayleesha
17. Blaise
16. Andelaine
15. Patton
14. Murdock
13. Priscilla
12. Kimball
11. Primerose
10. Chrisdalann
9. Thurston
8. Blaze
7. January
6. Ryven
5. Fawn
4. Buffy
3. Starlette
2. Blue Jay
1. Trust-In-the-Lord

I just ask those who are naming there childern to consider also what the name does when it is put against your last name. Understand the gift of a name for your child they have to live with for the rest of there life. Long after you have pass on that name is what they will have to use on there documentation. Yes, I do realize that they will havbe the option of changing there name. But that right only comes when they reach the age of 18 and till then they have to walk around the school being called Fawn. So, when you are looking for those ever so unique names that everyone is dying for there children to have. Look back to the more usual names. Though don't get me started on the spelling of names. Spell it like is should be. Don't start getting fancy with the spelling. Cause comes time to go kindergarten these children have to learn how to spell these names. Please make it easy for them. Think how hard it is on the teacher to try and explain why there name has a silent letter that doesn't make any sense or why they have an y instead of an i. Cause a y would be more unique. So, think traditional or at least not plant,animal, time or place wise. Don't name them something you would not want to be named yourself. Please spell it like it sounds or the traditional spelling. The more common the name the more unique they will be with the class of Surrey, Apple, Paxton and so on.