Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Chivalry...living or dead...we want it back!

I have been obsessing over the Twilight series the last week and a half. Almost 2 weeks now. Yes, I have become one of them. Just like a Jr High girl, I know. But they are good. They are not just some vampire books. They are a great love story and I could read it over and over again. I was thinking about the story as I explain it to others all the time when I am telling them about the book. As I have explain many times that the story could be told with something other then vampires. As far as anything it is a different view and statement of Romeo and Juliet. All you need to know it the characters are different and that they want to be together anyways. They fight to be together. This is not a new concept at all. It is a very old one. But, such a tried and true formula. We always cheer for the under dog.

Since like every other girl on the planet that has read the Twilight series, I have fallen in love with the Character of Edward. He is every girls perfect man(/boy?). For me I have always been in love with the little things. Yes, they are my favorite. It is not the big grand gestures that get me all excited about some one. It is the little things. That is what I love about Edward. Every girl has fallen in love with a character so much because he has the traits that we are missing in the world when we look at men today. This generation, mine and the next and even the next are missing the key piece of training or knowledge that has not been passed down. The idea of gentlemanly manners. Chivalry.

Girls want someone to hold the door for them. They want someone to open there car door for them. They want to be made to feel special. They want not to worry about picking up the cheque. They want to be taken care of. That is why we love Edward so much. He is that guy. He does hold the door open for them. He dose open the car door for you. He makes you feel special. He protects and takes care of you. That is what I want. That is what most girls want.

So if there is any guys out there that are questioning what we girls want. Wondering if what they are doing is not working. Work on the classics. Know the right moves. That is the way to any girls heart! Well at leat mine!

1 comment:

Manders said...

I agree that that is important in the beginning, but I also think that you need to have more. Those chivalrous acts are very wonderful, but I think that you want that "gentlemanly-ness" to go beyond those acts. If it doesn't, than they are just "acts". What is behind them is the key!!

Edward is an intriguing character, but I am afraid I am going to fall into the other category of people...You know, the ones who are not that into "Twilight"! *She types as she ducks all of the hurling copies of "Twilight" being thrown at her!* It's good, but the writing is...BLAH! The characters (Other than Bella and Edward so far) are...linear and predictable. Perhaps I am too much of a "book snob" now...YIKES! I hope that isn't true.... (HELP ME, JENNY!! I AM BECOMING MY WORST NIGHTMARE!!)