Friday, May 27, 2005

Strange but true

"Everyone has a gripping stranger in their lives, a stranger who unwittingly possesses a bizarre hold over you. Maybe it's the kid in cut-offs who mows your lawn or the woman wearing white shoulders who stamps your book at the library - a stranger who, if you were to come home and find a message from them on your answering machine saying, "Drop everything. I love you. Come away with me now to Florida," you'd follow them." - Douglas Coupland

I know that there is someone out there that I feel this way about. Someone that is just out of my reach. The person that I know could be the one. Yet we are still strangers.

Monday, February 07, 2005 I know when I am going to die no more worries!

So, I took this very exciting and intresting test that I got spamed with...cause somewhere along the way I did another test...for something...So I got a quiz called the death test...

Which it turns out I will die... October 2062 of no more worries for me! I really can do anything that I want diving sounds like a great plan for tomorrow!


Thursday, January 27, 2005

I love llamas!

Check it out!
Llama song!

Heres a llama.
Theres a llama and another little llama.
Fuzzy llama.
Funny llama.
Llama llama duck.

Llama llama.
Cheesecake llama.
Tablet brick potato llama.
Llama llama mushroom llama.
Llama llama duck.

I was once a treehouse. I lived in a cake.
But i never saw the way, the orange slayed the rake.
I was only three years dead, but it told a tale.
And now listen child, to the safty rail.

Did you ever see a llama kiss a llama on the llama?
Llama’s llama.
Taste of llama.
Llama llama duck.

Half a llama.
Twice the llama.
Not a llama.
Farmer llama.
Llama in a car.
Alarm a llama.
Llama duck.

Is it how it’s told now?
Is it all so old?
Is it made of lemon juice?
Doorknob. ankle. cold.
Now my song is getting thin.
I’ve run out of luck.
Time for me to retire now.
And become a duck.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Thursday, January 20, 2005

One of those type of experiences!

So yeah...whats new you ask...well It could be something to do with my crazy panic attack I had yesterday after chapel! So me and all my chapel dates went as usaul to chapel together. It was a Missions one which was awsome and ever so good. Made everything fun and exciting! So after chapel was over...I really needed to go to the bathroom...the 2 cups of coffee, Chocolate Mint Milk Steamer, and Grape juice...kinda had something to do with it some how...So after being moched for needing to I went to the bathroom...So I return for using the bathroom in the church we use for chapel...I looked for my dates and they were no where to be found or so I thought...Thinking that they got busy talking and ended up walking to the train without me...I headed outside to the train station to see if I could see them...well...they weren't there and the train pulled up and I thought maybe they are futher down the station and I just can't see I was going to get on the train...but I thought I would wait and see if I had missed them and they were I waited for the next train which was shortly after the first one and got on and headed back to school....hopefully to find them waiting at my locker...So I am now back at school with no sign of I head back to the station in which we get off to go to school and waited...2 trains come by and no sign of them...well I thought maybe they walked back since it was a nice day outside we tend to not mind walking...So in that case they should be back at the school by then...So off I head back to school...and now my guilt and worry have hit the a good lutheran should have plenty of guilt...So I am now almost in tears as I ride the elevator back up to my locker and find them still not having arrived yet! It is 15 min before class begins and I am crying to this girl named Jennifer how I have missed placed my friends and that it is all my fault cause I had to go to the washroom! Jennifer tries to come me down by saying that they will be there and that it really isn't my fault...they are at least over the age of 18 and know how to get to the school...this doesn't stop my worring...So I end up sitting on the floor by my locker till they do finally show up....They had been waiting for me still back at the Church!!!! We just didn't even spot each other! I was never so glad to hear that ever so loud voice of Chris asking if Rachel and Tammy thought that I was there (being at school).

I know that it is just friends and we are going the same route that we have for so many times before. It just seemed to be such a big deal to me! Panic and Worry and Guilt feelings all at once. It was one of those things that God is trying to tell you something and at the time it is so real and the feelings so overwhelming that you just keep going and not try understand....I now look back on the situation and say that it was silly for me to get so worked up over it...Things that could have been done differently.... but why do that...One day I will look back on this and today...and more then likely on our trip to chapel tomorrow!


Monday, January 17, 2005

Age is relative!

Oh the fun! I always knew it!
Check it out and see how old you are!

You Are 15 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

So...Back to school and back to reality!

So as I am half way through my 2nd week back to school! I feel overly positive about the months ahead! Which if you know me is something that is not different from always! I feel as though life has it's ups and downs but being who I am I always look at the ups. No matter what I will look with optimism. Unless it has to do with a missing paper that my prof lost...Then the stress will make me brake down!

I feel extra blessed to be who I am...I feel as though those around me make me feel significant! To quote the almighty "Boy meets world" rerun that I watched last night....With in the sky there are many stars like there are people...Little dots in the sky...But it is my friends and family that make me feel bigger and more significant! I know that I do go on and on about what wonderful people that I have around me but I am so happy to have them in my life! I matter to them and by all the wonderful miracles that God does sometimes this seems to be one that takes the cake for me....Even though I might not be anything special in the world to them I am!

So on a lighter note! I was offended by a song I listening to recently...this wonderful secular song is about on the same level as most...I was though effected by one line that states "If you love enough you'll lie a lot!" I don't think that this is true and I just doesn't sit well with me! If this is what people think then I am scared for the world!

That is the end of my ramblings! I will leave you with the song that I am addicted to at the moment!


"Fast As I Can"

From the first "Hello" you gave to me
I've done nothing else but smile
And I know you're in a hurry
But its gonna take a while.
So forgive me if we go slow,
But there's something I think you should know


I'm goin fast as I can, please don't make me rush
This feeling's coming on way too fast
I'll tell you all of the things that you'll never forget
But I'm not ready say, "I love you" yet
I'm not ready to say "I love you" yet.

Don't push me in too deep,
I've always been the fool who rushes in.
I know, You've got to take the pieces one-by-one
For you've got everything.
So forgive me if we take time.
But there's something thats been on my mind.


Oh! There'll be times when I'm mistaken
There'll be times when we're gonna fight
But you needn't doubt we can work it out
And in time we'll get it right.
So forgive me if we go slow but there's something I think you should know...


By Great Big Sea