Thursday, November 16, 2006


So, I have had some pretty big things on my mind lately. Of course as a student this is not the best thing in the world at all. So, in order to make this thinking of distracting things I did the girl thing and talked to a friend. She is one of my closest friends and one that I know that I can trust with anything. So, I divulged my soul to her and instead of this making it easier not to think about it. It totally has done the complete opposite. I now am 3 times as distracted and now can't think about anything else and I have midterms and papers to do... AHHHHHHH!

I know what God's opinion is! Cause really that is what started this thinking in the first place. But now there is nothing I can do but think about it. But of course my last conversation with God told me that it should be the last thing that I should be thinking about! AHHHHHHH!

So, to summerize...I am thinking bout things that God told me but he told me not to worry or think about them. This inturn has lead to extreme distraction with no hope of actual work involved either writting a paper or studying for a midterm! AHHHHHHH!


Faye said...

Read Luther's Simple Way yet? Lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio divina, lectio...oh wait, I haven't done it yet today either...

Jonathan said...

I agree with Faye's comment. Fight distraction with a positive distraction. Focusing on God works miracles. The practice of lectio divina is amazingly helpful. God has given me many comforting moments through the discussion of His words: moments devoid of any of the thoughts which had been flitting around in my head and heart previously.

Jen said...

lectio divina is what got me into this mess in the first place!