Wednesday, January 24, 2007

When blogging gets to be too much...

So, life with me is really really good right now. Who would complain? I have a part time job in a kindergarten class and a soon to be job working in after school care for the YMCA. Really, I will just get paid to play! I am in a relationship where I am truly happy and everyone can tell. Yes, we have our ups and downs. Nothing can always be perfect. But we do have our moments. All in all I can not have any complaints about my life right now. God is Good.
Though there is something that God is doing in my life that I know is only between me, God and one other person. Though deep down I have this need almost that I should write some blog about. I'm not sure if it is some ridiculous addiction to blogging or it really is something that God wants me to share. I think that it is more the first then the last. I feel as though I need to blog about it...Like some how this will make me a better person if I put it out there for the world to see...that some how I will get some affirmation from someone out there. That I need this outside affirmation to make what is going on real.
God is God and he should give me the affirmation that I need. I shouldn't look for it somewhere else. He is good enough for me. I guess I just need to believe that this is true!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Educations system and telus...what do they have in common?

So, now that I have decided to take a semester off. So that someday I can afford to go back and finish my education. I have now have the need to find employment. This is not that hard of a task one would think in the job market in which we are living in right now.
**Warning to all those who might work for Telus**

So far, I would not say that it has been hard finding work. Well, I have a job. It is waiting for me. The position has been empty since it was created in November. I pretty much have an in. It is at the elementary school that my mom works at. The principle told me to apply for this job. It is in a kindergarten class. I also know the teacher of the class and she asked me today when I get to start working. That is the question. I applied for this job before Christmas through the wonderful world of Telus. Cause Telus knows so much about hiring people to work with children. Yeah for the school board contracting out staffing. So, about a month ago I applied for this position. I sent my resume off to the person that the principle said that she was in contact with. A week ago I get a message from another woman wanting to do a phone interview. So, I call her back. First of all she can't find my resume. That is aways a good sign. Then there were some lovely interview questions that were unrelated to working with children and ones more relating to an office setting. Me being me I just kinda wanted to get it over with and done. So, I answered the best I could and told her I would email her my resume and references. This I did and then the next thing I hear is that she found my resume but hadn't received my references. So I again send her my references. So, today I find out that I am dealing with one lady and the principle of the school another. The principle is really trying to speed up the process as much as possible. Cause it has only been a month since a applied and 2 months since she started the process of hiring anyone for this position. So, someone anyone tell me why the school board would make such a crappy decision to give over the hiring to Telus. It is not like they are doing a wonderful job at it.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


by Teddy Geiger

You're the girl in the back of the room
My wallflower that's in bloom
You're so oblivious to this
I could fall into those eyes
Pretty circles that I try to escape into, yeah
Well hallelujah when you look at me
And hallelujah you're the halo over me
And you're all that I need

With you, every day is Saturday
With you, Every word you say is like a song
With you well, everything is obvious
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Well I found you, I found you
I found you, Hallelujah

I never thought I'd take that jump
A nervous laugh around someone
I'm sleeping in the palm of your hand
The way you whisper on the phone
I hear your voice when I'm alone
Cause you always understand just who I am

And hallelujah your love is free
And hallelujah you're the halo over me
And you're all that I need


The best things are unexpected just like this
Like a billboard in the sky you just can't miss
And I'm never letting this love go
Hallelujah, hallelujah


One of my favorite songs...from one of those teeny bopper popular music guys...I just love it. It fits me feelings lately so well. I am blessed beyond measure. Only God has this much love for me to give me such a wonderful person to get to know so well. With everything I learn about him the closer the bond grows between us. Every moment I spend with him I thank God that he has blessed us with this time together. As we strive to keep God at the center of our relationship. God, is the most important thing to us and what ever we do has to be for His good. There are reasons that are yet to be seen that we are together at this time. I know that God has a greater plan then we can see. So, I ask for prayer for us. Just keep us in your minds.