Sunday, April 15, 2007

Are you one of these people?

I was lying in bed last night and had the perfect idea for my next blog post. It was so perfect that I completely forgot what it was that I felt so compelled to write about. Maybe it was the utter exhaustion that I felt or maybe it was the time in the early morning that I thought of such a thing no matter what it was it really left no impression on me what so ever. So instead of the most perfect of topics that may some day return to me, I would rather dive deep into the world of the interweb and talk about the ettiquet or lack there of in the world of Messanging.

But in my own words I thought that I would share my pet peeves of the wonderful world of MSN. This is the list of the people that we all find in the world of intsant messanging.

1.) The at home and away person....Away is a way for short periods of time. Not for extented periods like the whole day or even hours at a time. If you are gone for that long just sign out!

2.) The always talking but have nothing important to say person...If I am online and you too are online then it is alright give me a hello but if you are just there shooting the breeze and have huge gaps in the conversation then just don't start.

3.) The online but increadably busy person...The person that is always way too busy for any type of conversation yet they are status is online. IF you are busy then either change your status to busy or just sign out.

4.) The always busy person... No one really can be that busy all the time. IF your that busy just sign out!

5.) The random conversation person... feel always like starting a conversation in the middle of it. feel that the conversation makes no real sense. IF the english languge was good enough for Jesus and Shakspear it is good enough for the rest of us.

6.) The always online person...No one can ever be online that much. IF you are then there is somthing called a life away from the computer. There is a place called outside, I'm sure you might like it.

7.) The never start a converstion person...They always seem to talk when you start the conversation but are never willing to start the conversation first. IF you are online then be willing to start a conversation!

8.) The phantom person...You know the one...or do you really? the never seem to be online or they always just sign out when you come online. They are just to fast for you to ever chat with them. If you want to be a friend then be one.

9.) The offline online person...IF you are having computer problems that sign you out then you have to sign back in 20 times within a 5 minute period. Just don't bother unless it is so extremely important that you will just die if you don't tell that one person, then that is alright. But if you need to that bad then Graham Bell did invent a somewhat older yet more reliable device called the telephone.

10.) The one person you don't know...There is always one...for me it is someone with the sceen name CJ. I have no idea who they are. They never talk to me and I never talk to them. What makes this worse though if you have that one typ of these who really do seem to know you and you have no idea who they are.

These are just a few...the top ten if I could say. There are many, many more like the acrynomes person or the we were friends 6 years ago and I still have you on my list. If you fall into these such types of people then I am sorry. I know that I fall into some of them myself. It is almost like no one knows what is proper and respectful in the world of the internet. Not like many people know what proper manners and etiquette are these days there seems to be a lack in some generations about the truely traditional manners that past generations have followed.

Can there ever be a return to proper manners?

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

2, 3, and 7. I am very guilty of these.

You really aren't in much of a position to complain about #9. I'd be rich if I had a penny for every message I've sent to you which bounced back.

And #5 is problematic only due to the misspelling of Shakespeare/Shakespear/Shakspere. But I definitely agree with the identification of the long lost Galilean sub-dialect.

But in all seriousness, good post. And what an excellent link (I love learning new etiquette tidbits).