Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Life in Kindergarten!

As some might know I am working in an elementary school right now. Not only am I working in an elementary school but in the Kindergarten class room. This of course leads to the many interesting things and ideas that the children say which make very amusing stories. There is one student that in particular tends to know what to say to make you kill yourself laughing whether he wants to or not. Though being an immigrant from Romania he is not very funny at all in Romanian. I just guess that the humor is completely different then here. I just thought that I would share some of these wonderful stories with you.

Last week, a male student was walking around rubbing his head. I then being a concerned person asked what was wrong. Being in Kindergarten there is always some sort of goings on involving injury. So, I thought that this was the same case. The response was "my head looks funny". Not feels funny, looks funny. What an odd thing to say I know. The student then proceeds to say "It hurts and it makes me scream like a girl boy." To this I say the non understanding "what?" Just to make sure that I didn't miss understand what he was saying. He then repeats "My head looks funny and it hurts and makes me scream like a girl boy. You need to feel it." You of course being me. So, I proceed to touch his head and feeling nothing wrong I say "feels fine to me." He then proceeds to just walk away.

This of course the same boy that has the most famous of lines. The teacher asked where his shoes where because they were not on his feet. His reply is "I think they are paying hide and go seek on me...AND there winning." And his other famous story ever so randomly walked up and said "I'm not lily livered." Then walked away. Lily livered as I later found out is an old English saying for not being a coward. We all still wonder to this day where he picked up the saying. (I have recently though heard it in a commercial and are proud I know what it means.)

Another boy at one of the most random of times. Which is usually when he is suppose to be doing something says to me completely out of the blue. "Did you know that Jesus is God's son." And then walks away. This boy is one of the last that you would think would know anything about God. But just one of those God surprises I guess!

These are just a few and I know that there are more to come....stay tuned!

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