Sunday, June 24, 2007

What a Sunday!

Wow! The first and only thing that comes to my mind after the Sunday that I had today. Even though it is not over I know it has been one that will be with me for a while. I went to church this morning like any other Sunday. But switched it up by going to the church of some friends. The morning started with a bus adventure downtown then to catching the train and walking the little distance from the train to Christian Publications where I was meeting my friends. Who in the end were half an hour late. So, standing around Christian pub for almost an hour, since I am one of those people that like to be early, I got to thinking those overly complex things that one should not think about that early in the morning. It was about the direction that I want my life to go. Big thoughts and big decisions. Things that I have been praying about on a regular basis.

So, off to church we finally go. The Pastor was speaking about sacrificing and therefore living a fuller life. That working hard for the best then giving it up so that someone else might receive it. Not only is a great reward for the person that gets the best but also the giver. This then brought me back to what I was thinking about earlier, that I need to give something else to get what is better. To give it up because God has something better for me.With Great Sacrifice Comes Great Reward!

I could have been the only one there....cause God sure has some stuff for me to take from that. It was an answer to a prayer that I have been praying deep down for a long time. Not the easiest answer either. For how many out there are welcoming to the idea of giving up something that you really love with the promise of something better. There needs to be a real bond of trust. Letting go of the safety of the rope swing just over the water and trusting that the water is still there. I know that this is one of the hardest things for me to give up.But I put my trust in God that He has something amazing to replace it. It makes giving up the cherished easier and the reward greater.

1 comment:

Faye said...

So mysterious...what are you expecting to give up, Miss Jen?