Sunday, September 30, 2007

Real humanity?

Been finding myself watching The Hour on CBC lately. Maybe it is because the news is so hard to watch lately. Or maybe it is because of George. But awhile ago he had a man on that hosts this blog. Ever since I found it I have been checking on a regular basis. Reminds me of the reality of humanity.

So check it out!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I've always struggled with PostSecret. Whether it's the occasional echo of my own life in someone else's words, or simply the feeling of hopelessness at my inability to help the people who are crying out. My emotions polarize and I am left to choose between sympathizing and internalizing the suffering and pain of these individuals, or closing myself up and ignoring them entirely. The former scares me, but I'm more afraid of the man that the latter turns me in to.