Thursday, June 08, 2006

SO...I'm a girl...

So...I decided that being a girl isn't all it cracked up to be. I guess my stunning fear of relationships is something that I have value in. For me to open myself up to anyone is a huge risk that I take. And for it to be a boy. That is amazing growth.

So...I have done this...Open myself up to someone that I thought or think is Trustworthy...and now being a girl. I'm doing the crazy girl thing of....WHY HAS HE NOT CALLED ME?? I know I know...It's silly to get all worked up about it...And Yes, I've called him and left messages and He hasn't returned my calls at all!!! So doing the complete girl thing I am wondering what I've done wrong... We were talking daily and now...It's been 2 days and nothing! I know that I am being totally girly and over reacting...Cause yes it's been only 2 days. But I'm very much the one more at risk here.... I'm the one that made the first move...I'm the one that continues to put out the idea and risk whatever result comes...

Okay...I amitt I'm being way too girl like for even me...The reaction is way too strong...I should stop waiting by the phone and live my life.

1 comment:

Faye said...

Hello, Girl;). Glad to hear life is interesting. And that you're enjoying the ackwardness of real (as opposed to virtual...I'll explain later...) relationships. I think the strongest feminine trait we were given is vulnerability and the courage to invite (as opposed to demand/force/manipulate or hide from) another to protect that vulnerability for us, be it God, family, friends, and yes, the boy.
You go, girl:)