Monday, November 22, 2004

Okay...Now there's Pressure!

When I went and started this blog...I thought well what could be more fun then some days just putting my thoughts out to no one...Just out there instead of in here...Being my brain that is...Now I feel so much more pressure...People might really read it...Does it really even matter!?! Who knows!

Well what's new you might ask...Besides the overwhelming feeling of failing...The joys of the end of the semester! Oh, I did though do one of those dumb things that people do and hurt themselves...And if you don't know me well...I often do these things...Falling into a fire pit, cutting of a piece of my toe with a table...Well, this time it is way less dramatic and I didn't visit someone from the medical community because of it...I just Burt the tip of my finger...And it has only blistered...Which means it is only 2nd degree...So I have had worse...But to be unique like always...I did it while using a hot glue gun...I was making a Scarecrow for Brownies and I stuck...My finger in the hot glue...Cause some how I had a momentary loss of common sense! So , now I have a blister and it sure is sore...And hurts to type and it is really hard to protect it with a band aid...yep can't do anything easy...
So now I have 2 papers due tomorrow and am down a finger....Have I mentioned that it is my right pointer finger...When typing it is like one of the team is down and the rest have to try and cover for it and don't do so well at it! Yup...I didn't get the brains in the family!

well...This has taken me awhile and I should stop procrastinating!

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