Tuesday, November 23, 2004

To be tempted or not to be tempted...that is up to you!

Well well,

As somepeople know namely my sister...I had a wonderful and ever so exciting class...I am taking this calling, career, spirituallity course...an ever so exciting manditory class...basically understanding if what you are going into to become is really what you are called to do...So a basic waste of time for me...but I have no choice but to do it!

Anyways, I know that you are dying to know why the title of the blog and even more so...why am I talking about this ever so intresting class...well, yesterdays delightful topic was Sexuality and Ministry....I went into this thinking of the humor in which there would be...well I can say that I was ever so NOT disapointed...Jay, painted himself in to a corner very early on by saying that he could never be alone in a room with a woman cause he was not sure of what he would do....well, it was amusing for the rest of us to see him try to get out of the corner he had painted himself in! He adventually gave up trying cause he wasn't helping his situation....then Keith jumped in and cleared it all up! (to think I had be alone in the elevator with him on more then one occation! lol) The whole thing about sexuality and intimacy where ever so not inlightening...But I am glad that Jay spiced things up abit!

So that was my excitement in my ever so eventful life as a student! Not to mention that I have a saturday exam! But I am okay with it....
